Home > Musician’s Circle

Musician's Circle (AY 2022-2023)

Just like music, the SLCM Musicians’ Circle embodies unity in individual units. Music requires different notes that harmonize with each other to produce a melodious tune. Likewise, our organization brings together members of the Lukan student body to gather and share the passion for music. Each member exhibits cooperation to reach our common goal- to be well-rounded, five star Lukan physicians, who believe in the importance of music in the art of healing. As one of the premier organizations in the college, we serve our members an avenue for honing skills and sharing talents.

Abigal Cadion
Noreen Alipio
Vice President for Administration
Patrick Lanuza
Vice President for Creatives
Claudette Cledera
Vice President for Finance
Andrei Lee
Vice President for Promotions and Publicity
Donita Canieso
Batch 2025 Representative

Organization Email: slcm.musicianscircle@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/slcmmc
Instagram: @slmccm_mc
Twitter: @SLMCCM_MC

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