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Planetary and Global Health Program

Planetary and global health is about taking care of people you don’t know and places you can’t see, but you know they were there and were special, just like you and me.

To realize the vision of becoming “global by 2030,” the St. Luke’s Medical Center College of Medicine-William H. Quasha Memorial launches in 2020 its new Planetary and Global Health Program.

Planetary health and global health are two related paradigms that underpin today’s health challenges in the Philippines and around the world. Planetary health refers to the integrated vision for the advancement of health of both people and the planet. Global health is a philosophy of health that acknowledges the global interconnectedness of health in the 21st century – its challenges, outcomes, drivers, and solutions. In planetary and global health, our patients are not just individuals, but also communities, countries, global society, and the entire planet.

Our vision is to become a leading center of planetary and global health education, research, and translation in the Philippines and in Southeast Asia by 2030. We will leverage on our College’s 26 years of leadership and professionalism in medical education and our hospital system’s more than a century of world class excellence in quality healthcare.

The St. Luke’s Planetary and Global Health Program comprises of three arms: Global Health Academy, which is the platform for education and training; Global Health Innovation Lab, which is the space for collaborative research, innovation, and entrepreneurship; and the Global Health Forum, which is the nerve center for knowledge translation into policy and practice through advocacy and community engagement.

Connected to the world
Caring for people & planet
Committed to the future



Ramon Lorenzo Luis (Renzo) R. Guinto, MD DrPH is the Associate Professor of the Practice of Global Public Health and Inaugural Director of the Planetary and Global Health Program of the St. Luke’s Medical Center College of Medicine in the Philippines. Previously, he was the Chief Planetary Health Scientist and Co-Founder of the newly established Sunway Centre for Planetary Health in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He is a member of the National Panel of Technical Experts of the Climate Change Commission of the Philippines, and convener of Planetary Health Philippines – a community of Filipino scholars and practitioners for advancing the new discipline of planetary health.

An Obama Foundation Asia-Pacific Leader and Aspen Institute New Voices Fellow, Renzo has been a member of four Lancet Commissions: Lancet-University of Oslo Youth Commission on Global Governance for Health; Lancet–Chatham House Commission on Improving Population Health post COVID-19 (University of Cambridge); Lancet One Health Commission (University of Oslo); and Lancet– O’Neill Institute Commission on Racism, Structural Discrimination, and Global Health (Georgetown University). He also has been a member of several international and national groups including: Advisory Council of Global Health 50/50 (University College London); Advisory Board of Climate Cares (Imperial College London); Global Advisory Council of Primary Care International; Advisory Board of Health in Harmony; Advisory Circle of Child Family Health International; Climate Resilient and Sustainable Health Systems Thematic Working Group (as Chair) of Health Systems Global; and Board of Trustees of the Philippine Society of Public Health Physicians.

Currently, Renzo is the President of the Calamba City Medical Society and Chair of the Committee on Environmental Health and Ecology of the Philippine Medical Association. He also has served as consultant for various organizations including: World Health Organization; WHO Foundation; World Bank; USAID; International Organization for Migration; Health Care Without Harm; Chilean Ministry of Health; and Philippine Departments of Health (DOH) and Tourism (DOT). Renzo also sits on the editorial boards of several international journals, including: The Lancet Planetary Health; PLOS Global Public Health; Journal of Climate Change and Health; Journal of Migration and Health; and Journal of Health and Pollution.

Renzo obtained his Doctor of Public Health from Harvard University and Doctor of Medicine from the University of the Philippines Manila, and received further training from Oxford, Copenhagen, Western Cape, and East-West Center (Hawaii). He also received prestigious fellowships from Health Systems Global (Emerging Voice in Global Health); World Heart Federation (Emerging Leader); National University of Singapore (Raffles Fellow); and Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp. He has traveled to and lectured in nearly 60 countries and 100 universities across the world; published more than 200 reports and articles in scientific journals, books, and popular media including in The Lancet, The BMJ, Health Affairs, Los Angeles Times, Philippine Daily Inquirer, and Rappler; featured in national and international media including in BBC, Forbes, Devex, Tatler, Vice, and ABS-CBN; and directed and produced short films that communicate the message of planetary healing to the world.

In 2020, Renzo was included by Tatler Magazine in its Gen.T List of 400 leaders of tomorrow who are shaping Asia’s future. In 2022, he was named in the “40 Under 40 List” in Public Health Catalyst Awards by the Boston Congress of Public Health; one of the 50 Most Influential Voices in Healthcare Globally by The Medika Life 50; and one of The Outstanding Young Men of the Philippines for his contributions to health and medicine and for pioneering the field of planetary health in the Philippines.

Global Health Academy

The St. Luke’s Global Health Academy is the educational arm of the College’s Planetary and Global Health Program. Educational programs that are planned to be offered include: global health modules and electives for Doctor of Medicine and Master of Science in Molecular Medicine students; short, certificate, and executive courses for professionals and researchers; research and visiting fellowships; and a future Master of Global Health program.

In July 2020, the Program launched a new Global Health Elective. This new elective introduces the paradigm of global health to junior and senior interns and allows them to apply global health concepts, frameworks, and skills to analyze and attempt to solve a global health problem related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The four-week elective adopts a 4-D sequence through which students discover the global health thinking hat, diagnose a global health problem, design a global health solution, and drive positive change in global health. This year, 22 junior and senior interns attended the elective and developed nine research projects on a wide array of topics ranging from PPE pollution and migrant health to ‘infodemics’ and mental health.


In 2022, the St. Luke’s Global Health Academy will be offering short courses and executive programs on different global health topics to be delivered by faculty from the Philippines and around the world. Visit the website in late 2021 for updates. Stay tuned!

Global Health Innovation Lab

The St. Luke’s Global Health Innovation Lab is the research and innovation arm of the College’s Planetary and Global Health Program. The Lab will conduct world-class locally-relevant global health research; host visiting researchers from the Philippines and across the world; collaborate with start-ups that solve global health problems through innovation; and forge international research collaborations with other schools and universities.



Rapid Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on Wet Market Reforms: Case Studies from Vietnam, Kenya, and the Philippines
Funded by the Australian Center for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), this international collaboration with Australia’s Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University, Kenya’s University of Nairobi, and Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences aims to investigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on wet market reform. For more information, read here.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of After-Action Reviews in Adaptive Management of Selected Interventions of the USAID/Philippines Health Project
Funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), this partnership with Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting for Improved Health (CLAimHealth) under Panagora Group LLC uses implementation science methods to investigate the effectiveness of after-action reviews (AARs) in various USAID health activities in the Philippines.

Patient Engagement in Access to Healthcare and Essential Health Products in the Philippines: Towards a Framework for Person-Centred Health Systems
Funded by and in collaboration with the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore and the SingHealth Duke-NUS Global Health Institute, this project aims to create a structured assessment of awareness, attitudes, practices and policies for patient engagement in the Philippine health system, particularly in the areas of healthcare access and essential health product regulation.

Building Local Leadership and Investment for Climate-Resilient Health Systems in the Philippines
Funded by the Institute for Global Health Sciences and Center for Climate, Health and Equity at the University of California San Francisco, this action research project aims to build the climate resilience of local health systems in the Philippines through strategic planning, investment, and leadership.

Changing Worlds Study Philippines: Psychological Responses to the Climate and COVID-19 Crises in Young People in the Philippines
In collaboration with Climate Cares based at the Institute of Global Health Innovation, Imperial College London, this nationwide cross-sectional study of young people aged 18-24 years old hopes to examine the impacts of the dual crises of climate change and COVID-19 on the mental health and coping strategies of young people in the Philippines. The survey is also conducted in the United Kingdom, India, United States, and the Caribbean.

Tackling Snakebite in the Philippines: Combining Health System and ‘One Health’ Approaches 
Supported by the UK’s Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, this exploratory study about snakebite in the Philippines will investigate the barriers and challenges along the patient’s journey from bite to cure using a combined health system and One Health lens.

Next Generation One Health Philippines: Building national capacity for transdisciplinary and translational research and advocacy for wildlife conservation and zoonotic spillover prevention in the next 50 years

In collaboration with the International Alliance against Health Risks in Wildlife Trade and funded by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (German Agency for International Cooperation or GIZ), this project is a two-year national capacity building project for One Health research to prevent the next pandemic which covers various educational, research, policy engagement, and public awareness activities. For more information, read here.

Global Health Forum

The St. Luke’s Global Health Forum is the third arm of the College’s Planetary and Global Health Program that focuses on translation of global health knowledge into policy and practice. Some of the Forum’s activities planned for 2021 and beyond include: the Future of Health webinar series; community engagement with government and other stakeholders for policy advocacy; and direct technical support to health organizations in the Philippines and abroad.

Future of Health Conversation Series

This new series, which adopts an innovative conversation format, convenes health leaders from the Philippines and abroad to not only examine the current health situation but also envision the future of health in the post-coronavirus era, with the hope of advancing health policy discourse in the Philippines and globally through a futures-oriented discussion.

Previous Episodes


The Future of Health Conversation Series Launch (February 10, 2021)

The Future of Women, Gender, and Health (March 8, 2021)

The Future of Planetary Health (April 7, 2021)

The Future of Health Professions Education (May 12, 2021)

The Future of the Hospital (June 9, 2021)

The Future of Food, Nutrition, and Health (July 7, 2021)

The Future of Health in ASEAN (August 11, 2021)

The Future of Health Promotion (September 8, 2021)

The Future of Mental Health (October 6, 2021)

The Future of Digital Health (November 10, 2021)

The Future of Universal Health Care (December 8, 2021)

The St. Luke’s Planetary and Global Health Program is co-leading an international initiative with the SingHealth Duke-NUS Global Health Institute in Singapore on building regional capacity and community for global health in Asia. Other institutions in the core group include: James P. Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University (Bangladesh); Institute for Global Health & Development, Aga Khan University (Pakistan); ASEAN Institute for Health Development, Mahidol University (Thailand); Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong (China); and Public Health Foundation of India.

Faculty, Researchers, and Staff


Ramon Lorenzo Luis (Renzo) R. Guinto, MD DrPH
Associate Professor of the Practice of Global Public Health and Inaugural Director of the Planetary and Global Health Program

Susan Pelea-Nagtalon, MD, MSPH
Dean and Chief Academic Officer
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Malaya Pimentel-Santos, MD, MPH&TM
Professor 2
Associate Dean and Head, Medical Education Unit

Heidi L. Sampang, MD MGH
Adjunct Associate Professor, Planetary and Global Health Program




Jake Bryan S. Cortez, RN, MD
Research Fellow, Health Systems and Patient Engagement

Katrina Abigail C. Ceballos, MD, MBA
Research Fellow, Climate Change and Health

Gail Sialong Co, MD, MBA
Research Fellow, One Health, Wildlife Conservation, and Pandemic Prevention

Criselle Angeline C. Peñamante, MD, MA
Research Fellow, Climate Change and Mental Health

Alyssa Leigh Y. Esmile, MD
Research Fellow, Urban Health

Timothy Hudson David C. Carandang, MD
Research Fellow, Planetary Health

Maria Angela V. Bermudez, MD, MBA
Research Fellow, Migrant Health

Rafael Jairah D. Matoy, Jr., MPH, RN
Research Fellow, Implementation Science


Mara Ysabella M. de los Santos, MA
Research Associate, Migrant and Indigenous Health

Aaron S. Joe
Research Associate, Health Systems and Patient Engagement

Marianne K. Bongcac
Research Associate, Climate Change and Health

Johannes Reiner G. Asio
Research Associate, Climate Change and Health

Christian Joseph S. Baluyot, RND
Research Associate, Climate Change and Health

Louella Abigail A. Asuncion
Project Associate (Science and Education), One Health, Wildlife Conservation, and Pandemic Prevention

Carlo Frances H. Luayon
Project Associate (Communication and Advocacy), One Health, Wildlife Conservation, and Pandemic Prevention

Jerome Alan Z. Mejarito
Project Assistant, One Health, Wildlife Conservation, and Pandemic Prevention 

Michael B. Salise, MHSS, RND
Research Associate, Implementation Science


Mary-Joy A. Brieva
Technical Associate, Planetary and Global Health Program
Administrative Assistant, Medical Education Unit

Charisma D. Cabus, RL
Technical Associate, Planetary and Global Health Program
Librarian I, SLMCCM-WHQM Medical Library

Lourdes D. Elbambo
Technical Associate, Planetary and Global Health Program
Library Staff, SLMCCM-WHQM Medical Library


Fellows and Students

Global Health Elective (Academic Year 2021-2022)

Cohort 1 – Clerks
Agsaullo, Paula Claire F.
Apaga, Dame Loveliness T.
Balaguer, Brigette L.
Bandola, Angelica C.
Bigay, Kyrsten Jannae J.

Cohort 1 – Interns
Go, Lucky Sunshine L.
Mijares, Jill Lynn C.
Olea, Abbie Grace M.
Patricio, Ruth D.
Vollinger, Candy Marilyn T.

Cohort 2 – Clerks
Castillo, Maria Angellica D.  
Cervero, Maria Gabriela   
Dulguime, Pol Vincent A. 
Echiverri, Elan Niccolo G.  
Interior, Jasmine S.
Kalbit, Dom Nikolai R.

Cohort 2 – Interns
Azarraga, Christopher Timothy L.
Barretto, Charles B.
Casiwan, Claisyl B.
Reyes, Kristen Mary Angelica T.

Global Health Track of the Service Learning Elective (Academic Year 2020-2021)

Cohort 1 (Junior Interns)
Santos, Paula
Tumpalan, Jeriel Jon

Cohort 2 (Senior Interns)
Ona, Gerard Anne April M.
Tanaka, Princess Maureen D.

Cohort 3 (Junior Interns)
Andal, Denise B.
Baltazar, Jamiepritz D.
Casiwan, Claisyl B.
Cunanan, Dianne J.
Daluz, Lennie Jean R.

Cohort 4 (Senior Interns)
Matibag, Kristine Bernadette M.
Paitan, Danielle Rose E.

Cohort 5 (Junior Interns)
De Jesus, Alejandro Martin A.
Domingo, Christian Jay M.
Fuentes, Michelle Joy C.
Guevara, Joan Rezza B.
Ignacio, Richelle Angelika E.

Cohort 6 (Senior Interns)
Diangkinay, Arianna P.
Hanrahan, John Lorenzo

Cohort 7 (Junior Interns)
Mabunay, Mary Deo Luigi J.
Olea, Abbie Grace M.

Cohort 8 (Senior Interns)
Agapito, Mary Eunice D.
Avila, Theo Erl E.

St. Luke’s Global Health Community

Josh Cahatol
Pamela Dela Cruz
John Labilles
Patricia Felise Perez

Diana Christine Rei Caga
Sophia II Colendrino
Katrina Feliciano
Kris Yvan Ma-ri Lazaro
Gregoria Ysabel Oracion
Anna Flora Natividad Salazar

Partners and Collaborators

Local Institutions

International Institutions



JS Joe, JS Cortez, JF Lopez, MA Villena, RR Guinto. The potential of systems thinking in tackling the wicked problem of childhood obesity in the Philippines. HPHR (Harvard Public Health Review), Edition 63, December 2022.

MS Khan, RR Guinto, E Boro, A Rahman-Shepherd, NA Erondu. The need for metrics to measure progress on racial equity in global public health and medicine. The Lancet, December 10, 2022. 

RM Parks, RR Guinto. Uncovering the hidden burden of tropical cyclones on public health from locally to worldwide. Environmental Health Perspectives, November 30, 2022. 

RR Guinto, TA Deivanayagam, PT Chuji, A Hossan, A Jensen, L Jung, E Njuguna, R Osborne, MA Otieno, A Siddiqa, A Singh, BKE Taomia. Achieving Climate Justice, Safeguarding Planetary Health: Diagnosis and Demands from Next Generation Leaders for COP27 and Beyond. PLOS Global Public Health, November 14, 2022

 J Lazarus… RR Guinto, et al. A multinational Delphi consensus to end the COVID-19 public health threat. Nature, November 3, 2022. 

TA Deivanayagam, S Selvarajah, S English, M Huq, C Sharma, J Bonifacio, RR Guinto, J Hickel, R Issa, P de Morais Sato, H Mulindwa, HP Nagginda, D Devakumar. Climate change, health and discrimination: climate justice as racial justice. The Lancet, November 4, 2022. 

 J Mahmood, RR Guinto. Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health: Emerging Evidence and Call to Action. The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences, October 28, 2022

S Yasobant, M Daptardar, KK Kurup, D Panwar, M Bongcac, MY De Los Santos, RR Guinto, S Tiwari, D Saxena. One (vis-à-vis Planetary, Eco) Health: A landscape analysis of educational programs. Public Health Challenges, October 17, 2022

RR Guinto, CJ Baluyot, CCR Gan, U Ghosh, MDA Mahadzir. Health sector solutions for promoting sustainable and nutritious diets. The BMJ, September 29, 2022. 

SL Hendriks, H Montgomery, T Benton, O Badiane, GCastro de la Mata, J Fanzo, RR Guinto, J-F Soussana. Global environmental climate change, covid-19, and conflict threaten food security and nutrition. The BMJ, September 29, 2022. 

JJBR Aruta, SS Salcedo, J Guilaran, RR Guinto. The plight and promise of mental health providers in the face of a warming planet: Perspectives and experiences from the Philippines. International Review of Psychiatry, September 14, 2022

C Li, EL Lawrance, G Morgan, R Brown, N Greaves, J Krzanowski, S Samuel, RR Guinto, G Belkin. The role of mental health professionals in the climate crisis: an urgent call to action. International Review of Psychiatry, August 9, 2022

J Mahmood, RR Guinto. Lessons from Climate Reports for the Malaysian Medical Community. The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences, June 2022. 

JJBR Aruta, RR Guinto, GR Clements, J Mahmood. Protecting environmental defenders to prevent pandemics. The Lancet Planetary Health, June 1, 2022. 

K Feliciano, RGK Dychiao, MAB Eala, JA Paguio, RR Guinto. Barriers to statin use in the Philippines. The Lancet Global Health, June 1, 2022. 

JJBR Aruta, RR Guinto. Climate Anxiety in the Philippines: Current Situation, Potential Pathways, and Ways Forward. Journal of Climate Change and Health. May 1, 2022. 

L Velin, KV Daalen, R Guinto, S Herzig van Wees, S Saha. Global health educational trips: ethical, equitable, environmental? BMJ Global Health, April 22, 2022. 

J Mahmood, RR Guinto, O Lacey-Hall, M Faiesall, S Poppema, E Lee. Safeguarding planetary health for southeast Asia’s future children. The Lancet Planetary Health. April 1, 2022. 

OAG Tantengco, RR Guinto. Tackling air pollution in the Philippines. The Lancet Planetary Health. April 1, 2022.

Safeguarding youth health in climate-vulnerable countries. JJB Aruta, RR Guinto. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health. February 17, 2022.

RR Guinto, JJF Cahatol, KYMS Lazaro, & AFNC Salazar. Pathways Linking Climate Change and HIV/AIDS: An Updated Conceptual Framework and Implications for the Philippines. Journal of Climate Change and Health. December 2021

RR Guinto, JCP Alejandre, MK Bongcac, J Guilaran, SS Salcedo, & JA Sunglao. An agenda for climate change and mental health in the Philippines. The Lancet Planetary Health, November 2021. 

A-C Duhaime, M Futernick, M Alexander… & R Guinto, et al. Healthcare professionals need to be CCLEAR: Climate collaborators, leaders, educators, advocates, and researchers. Journal of Climate Change and Health. October 2021. 

Kaushik, A., Peralta-Alvarez, F., Gupta, P., Bazo-Alvarez, J. C., Ofori, S., Bobrow, K., Monyeki, D., Guinto, R. R., Baumgartner, J., & Mohan, S. (2021). Assessing the policy landscape for salt reduction in South-East Asian and Latin American Countries – An initiative towards developing an easily accessible, integrated, searchable online repository. Global Heart, 16(1), 49. 

Guinto, R. R., Parungao-Balolong, M., Flores, R., & Bongcac, M. K. (2021). Establishing a community for planetary health in the Philippines. The Lancet. Planetary health, 5(7), e396–e397. 

Omrani, O. E., Essar, M. Y., Alqodmani, L., Uakkas, S., Eissa, M., Mahmood, J., & Guinto, R. R. (2021). The contribution of Islam to planetary health. The Lancet. Planetary health, 5(6), e333–e334.  

Abimbola, S., Asthana, S., Montenegro, C., Guinto, R. R., Jumbam, D. T., Louskieter, L., Kabubei, K. M., Munshi, S., Muraya, K., Okumu, F., Saha, S., Saluja, D., & Pai, M. (2021). Addressing power asymmetries in global health: Imperatives in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. PLoS medicine, 18(4), e1003604.  

von Borries, R., Guinto, R., Thomson, D. J., Abia, W. A., & Lowe, R. (2020). Planting sustainable seeds in young minds: the need to teach planetary health to children. The Lancet. Planetary health, 4(11), e501–e502.  

Wabnitz, K. J., Gabrysch, S., Guinto, R., Haines, A., Herrmann, M., Howard, C., Potter, T., Prescott, S. L., & Redvers, N. (2020). A pledge for planetary health to unite health professionals in the Anthropocene. Lancet, 396(10261), 1471–1473. 



RR Guinto. Making global health greener, fairer, and younger. The Jakarta Post, November 9, 2022. 

RR Guinto, JJBR Aruta. Protecting Mental Health in the Era of a Warming Planet. Think Global Health, November 2, 2022.

RR Guinto, J Mahmood. Indonesia: Why Planetary Health Should Be on the M,enu for the G20 Chair. Think Global Health, February 8, 2022. 

RR Guinto, JB Cortez & MP Santos. “Primary Care Innovations in Medical Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons from the Philippines.” Harvard Medical School Primary Care Review, January 5, 2022. 

RR Guinto, R Phalkey, U Ghosh, S Bose. “Climate-Resilient and Sustainable Health Systems: An Emerging Space for New Voices in Health Policy and Systems Research.” PLOS Blogs Speaking of Medicine and Health, December 10, 2021. 

RR Guinto. “Climate, Health, and COP26 in the Time of COVID-19: Five Asks for the Global health sector.” PLOS Blogs Speaking of Medicine and Health, November 8, 2021. 

RR Guinto. “The Economy that Planetary Health Requires.” Project Syndicate, November 8, 2021. 

RR Guinto, N Beyeler. “Closing the Gap on Health-Related Climate Financing.” Think Global Health, November 4, 2021. 

RR Guinto, T Mofokeng & D Wainstock. “Decolonizing the Pandemic Treaty Through Vaccine Equity.” Bill of Health, Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics at Harvard Law School. 

RR Guinto, T Oni & A Stewart Ibarra. “A Turning Point for Planetary Health.” PLOS Blogs Speaking of Medicine and Health, October 26, 2021. 

RR Guinto, J Beart, R Issa, & D Yiweza. “COVID-19 Lessons For Migrant-Resilient Primary Care Systems On A Warming Planet.” Health Affairs Blog, October 12, 2021.

Khan, M. & Guinto, R.R. “Global Health: Prescription for a fairer world.” The World Today, Chatham House, August 1, 2021.

Guinto, R.R. & Asthana, S. “A Tale of Two Countries During COVID-19.” Think Global Health, July 8, 2021.

De Barros, E.F., Floss, M., de Camargo, T.S., Gonçalves, M.R., Abelsohn, A., & Stein, A.T. “Planetary health care and Barbara Starfield´s legacy.” BMJ Global Health, June 10, 2021.

News and Events

Featured in Media

How healthy is your diet? Lynn Resurreccion, Business Mirror, November 20, 2022. 

Can Healthcare Systems Decarbonize While Scaling Up Healthcare? Rossella Tercatin, Health Policy Watch, November 16, 2022. 

Time to consider climate-smart insurance. Eng Teng Wong, Philippine Daily Inquirer, June 27, 2022. 

Earth Day: Climate change directly impacts people’s health, finances — study. Marane A. Plaza, The Philippine Star, April 22, 2022. 

Climate change a major threat to global health — WHO. Neena Bhandari, SciDev.Net, April 11, 2022. 

Doctor: The world is suffering from triple threat of climate, COVID, conflict. ABS-CBN News Channel, April 8, 2022. 

Sos: Serbisyo, Ora-Mismo, Sigurado. DZRJ 810 AM – Radyo Bandido, April 6, 2022. 

Almost 30,000 COVID cases added to tally; 67 more people die. BusinessWorld, January 23, 2022.

Contact tracing ‘di muna prayoridad ng DOH, TVPatrolLive, January 12, 2022

Climate experts propose action plans to address top climate-induced risks, Daily Guardian, December 11, 2021

Philippines faces another infection wave as Omicron looms, BusinessWorld, December 6, 2021

Rising sea levels top list of 10 climate-induced risks facing Philippines, Rappler, October 27, 2021

Analysts warn against compulsory vaccination, BusinessWorld, November 7, 2021

Philippine climate change body installs new expert panel, Eco-Business, October 15, 2021

Experts from regions tapped for ‘achievable’ programs on climate change, Philippine Star, October 13, 2021

Hesitancy not a major driver for PH’s low vaccination rates-health expert, Rappler, July 26, 2021 

Health experts tackle ways to help women, LGBTQ+ amid pandemic woes, Rappler, March 18, 2021 

In St. Luke’s webinar series, health leaders tackle changes needed in health sector, Rappler, February 27, 2021

Healthcare system inaccessible – expert, Manila Times, February 11, 2021


Featured in College Website

SLMCCM-WHQM Planetary and Global Health Program’s Inaugural Director is one of The Outstanding Young Men (TOYM) 2022 Awardees, December 9, 2022

Next Generation One Health Philippines participates in the 7th World One Health Congress in Singapore, November 25, 2022

St. Luke’s scientists to speak about climate change and mental health in Boston conference,  November 1, 2022

15 Next Generation One Health Philippines Fellows announced , October 25, 2022

St. Luke’s to co-host Asia dialogue on climate and mental health in celebration of World Mental Health Day , October 4, 2022

“Climate-Smart Healthcare in Developing Countries” certificate course kicks off , September 10, 2022

“Ginhawa” wins first place in the AMSA Philippines Global Health Case Competition , August 12, 2022

Call for Applications to the Next Generation One Health Philippines Fellowship Now Open, June 27, 2022

New Dates for the “Climate-Smart Healthcare in Developing Countries” certificate course, June 11, 2022

SLMCCM-WHQM and HCWH-SEA launches a certificate course on Climate-Smart Healthcare, April 26, 2022

SLMCCM-WHQM collaborates with Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand in applying systems thinking to tackle noncommunicable diseases , March 24, 2022

SLMCCM-WHQM partners with the University of California San Francisco in strengthening local health systems to tackle the climate crisis , March 18, 2022

SLMCCM-WHQM partners with Singapore in finding ways to enhance patient engagement in health systems, March 14, 2022

SLMCCM-WHQM collaborates with Germany in preparing One Health leaders to prevent the next pandemic, February 18, 2022

Primary Care Innovations in Medical Education During The COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons From The Philippines, January 12, 2022

Decolonising Global Health: What does it mean for Asia?, January 12, 2022

Lukans win 2nd Runner-up in the 1st AMSA Internal Summit Scientific Paper Category, December 15, 2021

Dr. Renzo R. Guinto to deliver the Per Fugelli Lecture 2021, November 30, 2021

St. Luke’s Medical Center College of Medicine to tackle “The Future of Universal Health Care”, November 22, 2021

SLMCCM-WHQM signs the Saõ Paulo Declaration on Planetary Health, October 21, 2021

Dr. Renzo Guinto appointed as member of the NTPE on advancing and translating climate science in the country, October 13, 2021

St. Luke’s Medical Center College of Medicine to tackle “The Future of Digital Health”, October 8, 2021

St. Luke’s College of Medicine to tackle “The Future of Mental Health”, September 8, 2021

SLMCCM-WHQM collaborates with Australia, Kenya, and Vietnam to study the future of wet markets, August 22, 2021

St. Luke’s College of Medicine to tackle “The Future of Health Promotion”, August 14, 2021

St. Luke’s College of Medicine to tackle “The Future of Health in ASEAN”, July 16, 2021

St. Luke’s College of Medicine to tackle “The Future of Food, Nutrition, and Health”, June 9, 2021

St. Luke’s to Explore “The Future of the Hospital”, May 12, 2021

SLMCCM-WHQM is now part of the Planetary Health Alliance, April 28, 2021

St. Luke’s to Explore “The Future of Health Professions Education”, April 12, 2021

St. Luke’s to Envision “The Future of Planetary Health”, March 24, 2021 (Also in Rappler)

St. Luke’s Showcases Student Projects at Global Health Conference, March 16, 2021

Global Health Elective Interns Present Projects in International Conferences, March 1, 2021

St. Luke’s to Tackle “The Future of Women, Gender, and Health”, February 22, 2021 (Also in Rappler)

Lukan Global Health Community – Bending the Arc Film Discussion, February 22, 2021

New Elective Track Prepares St. Luke’s Medical Students to Become Global Health Leaders, February 15, 2021

St. Luke’s Launches “The Future of Health” Conversation Series, February 2 , 2021 (Also in Rappler)

St. Luke’s launches new Planetary and Global Health Program, January 19, 2021

SLMCCM-WHQM collaborates with Australia, Kenya, and Vietnam to study the future of wet markets, August 22, 2021

St. Luke’s College of Medicine to tackle “The Future of Health Promotion”, August 14, 2021


The Future of Universal Health Care (December 8, 2021)

The Future of Digital Health (November 10, 2021)

The Future of Mental Health (October 6, 2021)

The Future of Health Promotion (September 8, 2021)

The Future of Health in ASEAN (August 11, 2021)

The Future of Food, Nutrition, and Health (July 7, 2021)

The Future of the Hospital (June 9, 2021)

The Future of Health Professions Education (May 12, 2021)

The Future of Planetary Health (April 7, 2021)

The Future of Women, Gender, and Health (March 8, 2021)

The Future of Health Conversation Series Launch (February 10, 2021)

On October 8, 2020, the St. Luke’s Medical Center College of Medicine-William H. Quasha Memorial co-presented a webinar entitled “Education and Capacity Building in One Health: Lessons from the Field” organized by the Lancet One Health Commission based at the University of Oslo. The recording can be viewed here.

On January 24, 2022, the Planetary and Global Health Program of the St. Luke’s Medical Center College of Medicine-William H. Quasha Memorial co-organized a webinar entitled “Decolonising Global Health: What does it mean for Asia?” Other co-organizers included SingHealth Duke-NUS Global Health Institute, Singapore; James P. Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University, Bangladesh; Institute for Global Health & Development, Aga Khan University, Pakistan; ASEAN Institute for Health Development, Mahidol University, Thailand; and Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. The recording can be viewed here.

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