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Medical Education Unit

Aligned with our vision, mission and core values, we reaffirm our institutional mandate to direct our education, research and service activities towards addressing the priority health needs of society. Guided by the principles of outcome-based education, we aim to design and develop a curriculum that is relevant and fit-for-purpose, as a means to ensure the delivery of top-quality education for the best and the brightest students at the College, notwithstanding the rapidly changing global and local landscape.

In support of this, the Medical Education Unit (MEU) provides pedagogic and technical assistance for faculty, students and staff. Following an integrated and systems-based approach, the MEU committees on Curriculum, Faculty Development, and Teaching Innovations and eLearning actively participate throughout the academic continuum-from course design and delivery to assessment and student support.

Recognizing the social and academic dimensions of learning, it is our goal to help build a safe teaching and learning environment and provide varied opportunities for our students to interact meaningfully with their teachers and peers, as well as with the content being studied. At all levels of the curriculum, we endeavor to go beyond didactics by promoting critical thinking and active, self-directed learning, utilizing a varied mix of interactive and learner-centered instructional strategies and simulations that encompass the cognitive, psychomotor, affective, and metacognitive domains.

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